Looking inside, you see a small entreway where you can hang your jacket, and take of your boots. There's a comfy pair of slippers in exaclty your size, how fortunate!

There are four doorways leading further into the cabin from here.

In front of you, there is a full-body mirror in a black ornate metal-frame, and as you look into it, you see yourself in a slightly different way than usual, maybe like your mother, sister or best friend sees you; with love and compassion. You feel no need to change anything about your appearence. You look exactly right.

Put on the slippers and go explore!


To the left of you, you peer into what looks to be an office of sorts, with a big wooden desk accompagnied by a pretty worn, ergonomic office chair upholstered with sturdy, dark brown fabric. One the wall are drawings, paintings and illustrations from various artists in different styles ranging from line drawings of animals and nature to digital kawaii illustrations of much beloved roleplaying characters and oil paintings of magical creatures in much detail.


To the right you see a small old-timey kitchen with wooden cupboards and quite a lot of dirty dishes by the sink. A small round table flanked by two stools make for a perfect place to drink morning coffee while listening to the radio and looking out the windows on the beautifully undisturbed landscape, currently in full on high summer bloom.


Left of the mirror you look straight into the living room - and possibly creative maker space - of the cabin. Soft furniture with plush pillows in nature colors occupy the space, enough to build a serious pillow fortress!

There are bookcases with actual, physical books, mostly fiction and fantasy, some on drawing and cross stitching. There are several antique-looking lamps with different colored lamp shades placed strategically around the room to provide enough lighting for reading, drawing or stitching.


To the right of the mirror you see a pretty messy room that looks sort of like a studio, with a microphone stand in the middle surrounded by shelves filled with vinyls.

The walls have posters of various artists and band, and several different instruments are present as well; a couple of guitars, a ukulele and even a keytar.

Papers with lyrics and chords are scattered around on amplifiers and a mixer, and there are big pillows on the floor, and a couple of chairs standing around.

Feel free to play around with whatever instrument you fancy, but don't mess up the mixer settings on mic 1 ;)
